Surprised? No, Don't be. I just want to relate this to the price increased on a bowl of cendol in Malacca. It was reported in Harian Metro 2nd January.
Peniaga terpaksa naikkan harga cendol 10 sen.
..............sementara itu, peniaga cendol di kawasan bersejarah jam besar dia Jalan Laksemana, Muhd Kassim Abdullah, 27, berkata dia terpaksa menaikkan harga jualan cendol sebanyak 10 sen bagi setiap semangkuk.
Katanya, sebelum ini minuman cendol dijual pada harga RM1.40 sen semangkuk, tetapi sebaik harga gula dinaikkan menyebabkan tiada pilihan selain meningkatkan jualan harga cendol.
This is a clear example of daylight robbery. So , now do you see that a bowl of cendol uses half a kilo of sugar? A clear sign of going for diabetes. There is a better way for Encik Muhd Kassim Abdullah to still make a profit by reducing the sweetness of his cendol and thus uses less sugar which will be equal to help fighting diabetes among his custpmers.
When will price of other sugar based items be increase.
Whatever it is the government will always tell us stupid consumers that price increase of sugar will not affect the population. is now active. Please update your links. Thank You.
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3 years ago
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