-Julius Ceaser

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Project Alpha - Harvesting The Success

Before I proceed with this entry just some light question to check whats in your mind in reference to certain names and logos. Just take it lightly and know that you might be learning something new as you go along. Proceed........


Look at the logo, close your eyes and try to figure out what they are all about. Try to figure out in your mind the answers, just to check how far you know about the logos. Don't worry if you can't answer correctly because this just a light moment quiz.....


Question 1 : When you look at this logo what comes into your mind?

Sports attire? Boots? Football? People playing sports? Well, of course Adidas has carved a niche when it comes to sports. If you want to buy quality sports attire, look for Adidas.

Adidas according to Wikipedia, is a German-based sports apparel manufacturer and part of the Adidas Group, consisting also of Reebok sportswear company, TaylorMade-adidas golf company, and Rockport. However Adidas did not stop at only sports apparels but venture into related products that still has the essence of sports in it.

Adidas Action 3 deodorants enters the sports arena with a range of anti perspirant products for active men and women. The most crucial characteristics is it is 0% alcohol which means Muslim users need worry about applying it and go for prayer

Picture above: Range of Adidas products which includes Adidas Action 3

Question 2 is based on the logo below: When you see this logo on blogs you visit what do you think of?

Since we had learn about Adidas and its relation to sports, maybe this logo stands for a referee blowing his whistle loud to let players know that they had flout some rules. Right?


It belongs to a blog advertising community and according to its website presently serving 100,000 blogs and can be seen by 3 million people daily.  It was launched in February 2007 by two enterprising Malaysians Timothy Tiah Ewe Tiam and Cheo Ming Shen. It has grown into one of the largest blog advertising community with offices in The Philippines, Singapore and Australia besides at Kuala Lumpur. Visit their KL website and see what else bloggers can 'earn' besides advertisement in their respective blogs.

Question 3 : What is Project Alpha?
A top secret and high alert US operation to check terrorist activities in Afghanistan and Iran. True?


Project Alpha is an online reality TV show by Kyanite Production with Nuffnang as the official Blog Partner exposing Top Malaysian Bloggers and Adidas is the main sponsor.

So, now can you see how these three parties teamed up to promote blogging by exposing the bloggers behind it.

Blogging is becoming a popular cyber activities from all walks of life. They write to express feeling, views, ideas, experiences, tips and lots more. I think what they are doing are new ideas in this technological world when more and more people are depending on the internet for their daily information and entertainment needs.

Project Alpha's show info writes this:  Project Alpha emphasizes that every blogger is unique in their own way, each gaining popularity and credibility as opinion leaders on various topics including celebrity news, fashion trends, travel and entertainment. It is set to be the first online TV show to look beyond the screen to unveil the real faces behind Malaysia’s top bloggers, taking a sneak peek into their lives – who they are, how they live, what makes them tick and from where they derive their inspiration – to capture the attention and interest of millions of online readers on a daily basis.

Nuffnang co-founder explain what Project Alpha is all about

Besides Adidas Action 3, Kyanite and Nuffnang there are other parties involved to make this production a success. 

 2009 is season one of the project and as kicked off on 18th September with seven Top Bloggers in Malaysia comprising of an energetic mum, two shopaholics, two entertainment gossipers and two travellers.

Bloggers selected to kick off the Project are:

It is going into week seven now and this means the program is nearing the end and episods of the seventh blogger is running on Nuffnang Project Alpha's website and also on You Tube. After witnessing all the promos and the episodes of the selected bloggers, fans and the general public can now understand that bloggers are down to earth individuals too and they live in a world of celebrities in their own right.

Project Alpha from my perception made a success with the program in highlighting the lifestyles and behind the scene activities of bloggers. They are now turned into celebrities and idols not only for seasoned bloggers like ne and also to new and young enterprising blogger of the future. With week seven of the project, Nuffnang, Kyanite, Adidas Action 3 and other parties involved is going for a well deserved harvest.

This season starts with this.........

and will end with this blogger

It will be unfair if we do not let readers know the force behind the Project. These are the WHO's WHO that grow this program.
Timothy Tiah, co-founder of Nuffnang with Ming

Read about him HERE.  
I purposely crop and only leave him in this picture I took from his blog
Jojo  Struys
Singapore born, presenter, actress, model, blogger

JOJO Struys is definitely a familiar face to Malaysian television viewers. Apart from being gorgeous, Struys’ down-to-earth and bubbly character mesmerises the audience.
You’d never guess that this beautiful model loves to tap dance, hikes with her dogs, works out at the gym, does yoga and as if those are not enough, this sassy gal also plays tennis.
However, when she’s not busy hosting TV shows and simply being beautiful, Struys also blogs.  - www.mmail.com.my/category/tags/jojo-struys  Friday, September 4th, 2009 10:12:00

Adam C Hitz.FM
No Pain No Gain

Not to forget also the people behind the producers, cameraman and the crew of  Kyanite Production. 
Venue owners and hosts. 
To summarise this entry here is another shot at the Adidas Action 3 FRESH, 24 hours Anti Perspirant, Anti Odour,  Dry Max system and anti whitening.  


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These are blogs as proof of the slogan.


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