-Julius Ceaser

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saying "Allah"- Whats Wrong?

I was reading Lim Kit Siangs blog and found one of the blog posted and written by Farish A. Noor. The title of the blog is Do Malaysian Muslims understand what 'Allah' means?. He was quoting the recent Malaysian Catholic Herald, a publication for Catholics in the country is not allowed to us the word 'Allah' in its Bahasa Malaysia section. Everybody knows Muslim and Non Muslim alike that by saying 'Allah' it means God Allah the Almighty that Muslims prayed to five times a day. God the creator of the universe and mankind beginning from Adam and Eve who were thrown out from heaven after disobeying Allah not to eat the forbidden fruit Khuldi.

Datuk Johari Baharum, the Deputy Internal Security Minister added the bitterness that only Muslims can use the word 'Allah' because its a Muslim word. I am confused. As far as I know 'Allah is god for everything in this universe. I am not an Islamic scholar but I am sure I am not wrong by saying that 'Allah' one of the most popular name for god belongs to everybody not only Muslims. Wallah u allam.

When I was in school and till now I many friends who use to say Insyaallah when a Muslim ask for some deeds from them. Even there are non Muslims who greet (either ignorantly, purposely or took it culturally)the 'Assalamulaikum" to Muslim friends. If Assalamulaikum is greeted by a Muslim it is obligatory to be answered back as being taught by Muhammad, PBUH. However if it is from a non Muslim there is still a way to response to the greeting.

If going by what the Deputy Internal Minister's saying that 'Allah" belongs to Muslim, then why does the Ministry of Education allow non Muslims to sit for the Pengetahuan Islam paper in Malaysian public examinations. These non Muslims can even score A1 for that paper when majority Malays who are deemed to be Islam by birth feels difficult even to score a P8.Pengetahuan Islam is religious studies for Muslims and therefore its only for Muslim. Right? Wrong!!!. If it is, then how can Islam be preached to non Muslims? By studying Pengetahuan Islam, non Muslim can understand the Muslim culture more and thus can live happily in a multi racial country like our beloved Malaysia.

During my younger days I use to hear that when a Chinese is being converted to a Muslim then he is called a Melayu. How can that be? Islam is a religion for all, the final religion and no other religion after this and Prophet Muhammad, PBUH is the final prophet which is even stated in the Bibble. So if a Chinese (or another race) who convert to Islam is called Melayu, then it means that Islam belongs to the Malays which is totally wrong. A Chinese is still a Chinese but his/her religion is Islam. An Indian is still an Indian but his/her religion is Islam. An Iban is still an Iban but his/her religion is Islam etc.etc.etc............

Islam is universal and thus the name of Allah is also universal and belongs to every living thing and not only humans. Wallahu alam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there will be infidels as specifically written in the book. if you believe in HIM then you must accept that i am also HIS creation and therefore you must afford me all my privileges as specified in the book. if you believe we plan and he decides then it must be HIS choice that i remain an infidel. and as much as he is ALLAH to you he must be to me too. the difference he wants you to be a believer in HIM and me to be a non believer. so please do not blame me. it is HIS choice. and i do believe you must sympathise with me for being less privilege. i also think you are duty bound to help me in whatever in my needs. count that as fardu kifaya. so the issue on the word ALLAH is no issue except for some idiots for some reasons known to themselves cause us so much sorrows. curse him to hell.

please don't tell me i got a choice and be just as privilege as long as i believe in HIM. then we will be turning in circles. right?



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