But no! I am still alive eventhough was shot on the back. Not with a gun or pistol but with a paintball marker. Yes, its a new experience playing paintball and now I knew how it feels. My final conclusion - danm fun. I took part in the Bloggers Paintball Tournament at Astaka Ground in Petaling Jaya organised by blog advertisement network, Advertlets. The event was co organised with My NPL and MAPAAC.
This is where the tournament took place at the Astaka Ground, Petaling Jaya.

The markers
Face mask. A compulsory safety equipment to be worn all the time inside the playing area. Taking it off while in the playing area will get a penalty where the team will be disqualified.

Warning sign. Saftey really took first priority before playing. Players have to sign indemnity form too before being allowed to play.

The playing area.
Bloggers registering. I arrived as early as 7.20 a.m after checking the itenary that registering is at 7.30. It is my habit to be early and it is a self discipline.

Bloggers waiting for briefing by My NPL on safety and game procedures.

Bloggers checking out the playing area before the start of the game.

My Team : YAKUZA
This Yakuza's (amateurs) comprising of an uncle, three guys and a lady are makeshift warriors who unexpectedly emerged as first runner's up after losing to the Marksman Alpha who seems to be experience paintballerz.
Yakuza was formed by the organiser (Advertlets) only on the morning of the tournament comprising of 5 bloggers with no team. Among five of us only two knew each other (Marcus and Evo) and had played the sports before while three were first timers. So, not bad to reach the semi final and emerged runners-up. We accepted defeat graciously. We are the best teams among bloggers who took part but we loose to a better team.

Above: The team - Yakuza and, Below in action in one of the game

Below: Yakuza with Josh Lim of Advertlets

This is what I got as souvenir from my first experience playing paintball. I was shot on the back unaware after my cover-up partner was eliminated too. No! it will not demoralise me from playing the sport in future, given the opportunity.
Updated: Pic below showing that I am recovering
This is the guy from Marksman Alpha who eliminated me in the finals. Is this a coincidence. I was shooting the playing area with my camera before the game starts and he unexpectedly came into the picture. Waaa... he is staring at me. Maybe saying to himself, "Just wait when we meet in the final. Now you shoot me, I'll shoot you in the final." Of course I was eliminated by him in the final when he shot me on the back (above picture is related). No, bro... I have no hard feelings on you. After all its just a game. I believe in sportsmanship.

What I learn from the experience? I need to buck up my fitness. I felt 80% tired after the first game which we lost. However after the breather and in the next round I manage to play a better game. This goes to my other Yakuza's. We are better planned in the second game and won. After that we won all the remaining games. I manage to capture the opponents flag in one of the games. Why? My other team mate were eliminated and the same goes to the opponent.
Paintball teaches players cooperation, the need of communication, planning and strategise, obey orders.
I think the bloggers did make up their day at the tournament. Thanks to advertlets for organising this tournament and we re looking to more such activities in future to get us together.
Note: Thanks Ic3coOL for correcting the mistake in this blog. I mentioned the team that beat us in the final as Sharpshooters but actually they were the team from Marksman Alpha.
Hello En Zahari!
Since you mention, "an uncle, three guys and a girl...", can we call you uncle Z from now?? :-D
it was indeed an honor to have fought alongside you in the Advertlets Paintball 'war' LOL.
Hope you are felling better after that shot. I SO wanted to shout to warn you, but i was already 'dead' XD
say, you mentioned you are game for another round of paintball, should you be 'given the chance' right? haha.
well, i duno if EVo has already contacted you or not, but us being top 3, we're entitled to free registration in the coming MY NPL (Msian Nat. Paintball League) and we will play other teams in Division 4 (amateurs la). haha.
Its on 14th Feb, on Valentines Day. :-) Ill email you my number, and lets get in touch to confirm k? And this time, if we win,dapat cash prize! XD
Take care now..
You rawk uncle z!! XD
Hi Marcus,
Definitely I had my day and my xperience. No problem calling me uncle z, but I don't mind just calling by my name cos it will get us closer.
I am nursing my aching quadriceps muscle but that is not an excuse for me to get involve further. Evo did left a message in my shoutbox and I have responded. Yes, I am now mentally ready to shoot more paintballers in the National League. This time I will be better equipped, physically and mentally.
Know what? the team that beat us in the final (sharpshooters) had been promoted to Div 3. (If thats the same team).
Looking forward for further information about the League.
hi there,
I'm lc3co0L from the team that u guys fought during the final. Just to correct a few facts: first of all; our team name is Marksman Alpha and not Sharpshooters, and second; we never even played D4 before. You can always confirm that with Wong of Astaka.
Anyway don't worry, we have no hard feelings towards you guys. It's good to know that you guys enjoyed paintball. At least we share the same interest.
I've offered Evo to train with us, and now I'm extending the offer to you guys. Do let me know if you guys are interested yeah.. We would be happy to make more friends and may bloggers triumph the MY-NPL D4!!! hehehe.. cheers
Hi Ic3coOL,
Thank you for visiting and correcting the mistake. I read at My-NPL that Sharpshooters were promoted to D3 and thats why I had written so but now you have corrected the mix up. Thanks again.
I am looking forward to shoot again and hope Yakuza will compete in D4. Of course I am interested and hope to get more information from you and all that depends on availability of time.
okie no prob. Let me know when u guys wanna train okie
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