Over a glass of teh tarik we talk about two new terminology that might be used in our daily rantings and communication.
The new terminologies are :-
1. melinggam - trying to tell a lie. Not telling the truth. Trying to hide behind: looks like me, sounds like me, it might be me.
Example: Saya rasa awak cuba hendak melinggam tentang sebab kelewatan (not liwat) pagi ini.
2. menchua - to speak the truth; to admit
Example: Baguslah, saya menghormati awak kerana awak seorang yang menchua.
I received a comment on this posting from mudin001 who gave me another new terminology. Thanks Mudin. This is it.
3. menglah - to sleep on the job.
Example : Macam mana kerja nak siap. Awak asyik menglah saja setiap hari.
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3 years ago
Haha.. what about mengLah? tidur?
thank you mudin, I will add that.
Hehe...good stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
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