A lame excuse given by an officer from the school (might be the administrator) that the pool was not that dirty and being used for mental training program.
Pegawai tersebut berkata air kolam ikan itu tidak sekotor sebagaimana didakwa kerana ia sering digunakan untuk program membentuk siasah diri pelajar. mSTAR
Now these 200 girls are no under any mental training program or module and hence putting them in the pool is unaccounted for. The warden knew that what he did is not right because he(she?) warned them not to report to anyone about the punishment:
Beliau juga didakwa telah memberi amaran kepada pelajar untuk tidak memberitahu sesiapa tentang hukuman tersebut.
The most dangeruous thing that the warden did was it was raining at that time and as a normal safety precaution, no one should be in the water when it is raining for fearing that there might be lightning and the potential of getting electrocuted is high.
Warden tersebut mengawasi para pelajar sambil memegang payung di tengah hujan.
Beliau yang sempat merakam gambar kejadian itu berkata, warden berkenaan sepatutnya memikirkan soal keselamatan pelajar kerana ketika itu hari hujan dan ada petir.
200 pelajar perempuan didenda dalam kolam kotor
Kementerian siasat pelajar direndam dalam kolam
Denda dalam kolan keterlaluan, bahaya
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