SC had given the dateline for all investors to pull out their e-investments before 11th June 2007. After which date all e-investment website will be blocked (see MSC Bill of Gaurantees) . Investors are advised to withdraw all their investments and that put them in a dilemma. Even before the the warning most of these websites were already on maintenance which mean that no transactions can be made. They start website maintenance when the government start debating on the scheme which is being branded as illegal, a scam and trying to con investors. Ermmmm..... so they are conning thousands who had made hundreds of US Dollar daily. Why not legalise them so the SC can keep an eye on them instead of banning.
I tried to surf in one of the website and received the HTTP Status 500 (MSC Bills of Gaurantee says Ensure no internet censorship)
I tried to surf in one of the website and received the HTTP Status 500 (MSC Bills of Gaurantee says Ensure no internet censorship)
Got this message when trying to visit one of the website.
The effect of the SC's action will actually make more people loose more money and stops them bringing USD into the country. I am not sure the reason behind the issue but I think the government is afraid of losing more investors to ASN, ASB and depositing money into the local bank. Money deposited into foreign accounts such as these e- investment can't be put into a more useful resource since the general election is just round the corner. Millions are needed to maintain power and keep getting richer for the next five years. So where to turn to after Ijok was promised RM 30 million overnight.
Beside these e-investment scheme, there is a more dangerous money making scheme going round the country. I am sure many would have received emails on fast money making opportunities with just a small sum of investment. These scams are spamming our mailbox daily. Email providers would bar these email address for spamming but no action has been taken. I think the government should look into this kind of investment and not the former. I am fed up of receiving these emails and eventhough report it as scam they still flood my mailbox.
Beside these e-investment scheme, there is a more dangerous money making scheme going round the country. I am sure many would have received emails on fast money making opportunities with just a small sum of investment. These scams are spamming our mailbox daily. Email providers would bar these email address for spamming but no action has been taken. I think the government should look into this kind of investment and not the former. I am fed up of receiving these emails and eventhough report it as scam they still flood my mailbox.
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