Eid ul Fitr is an annual celebration for Muslim after a month long of fasting during Ramadhan. It is a religious obligation and compulsory for all Muslims who had reached puberty. However even is he/she does not reach they can sill fast as a training before they reach the compulsory stage.
Afted a month long of fasting from dawn to dusk, its a sin to fast on the 1st of Syawal following the month of Ramadhan.
It has been a practice that during Ramadhan certain spots all over the Malaysia. roadside food stalls are set up to sell all kinds of delicacies, drinks and food stuff. Local food and certain foreign delicacies can be found including some local cakes that were hard to find during other months.
Ramadhan can be considered a month of feasting where food is of abundance, its easy to find expceially after 3.00pm till before dusk.
Sample of a Pasar Ramadhan. Googled photo from https://undomiel84.wordpress.com blog.
Googled photo : http://iluminasi.com